


日本丸政府 電鉄会社に対し運行遅延損害金支払命令を下す



日本丸政府 明日から所得税・消費税を大減税。社会保障料を全廃。


日本丸金融監督庁 監査先企業から監査報酬の受取を全面禁止



外国人投資家 アブナイミックス時期に建てたビルは時価ゼロと算定






日本丸政府 地震予知の研究や組織への税金投入を全面的に『禁止』




TRIPLE SHARE :書籍交換のシェア   BookMooch, PaperBack Swap,  物々交換のシェア   OURGOODS, bartercard,  おもちゃ交換のシェア  Toy Swap,   お隣さんの支援・シェア   NeighborGoods,



映画を見て 「オーシャンズ11」

やあ ジョージ•クルーニー 。まず女性にもてるためにはお金かなあ。だってカジノはお金たくさんあるんでしょうが。泥棒でもお金があれば一旦はなれていった女性がもどってくるのさ。ああ痛快。それから、あれはほんとに仲間さえだますために、わざとやったことかな。だとするとオーシャンシャン笑。お金も人間も、幻想なのにねえ。










Focal areas for finance teams outside of traditional financial accounting and reporting

Top 3 areas of focus

1. Risk management, including internal controls
2. Strategic business planning
3. Accounting info systems, IT development, cybersecurity
Next 3 focus
4. Management and corporate governance
5. Legal and compliance
6. Tax strategy and planning
Other important focus areas
7. Pricing and cost analsis
8. HR, including headcount, compensation, benefits
9. Stakeholder and shareholder relations
10. Macroeconomic analysis









自社の企業価値とその構成要素を認識しておくことが重要だ。構成要素のうち資産については、有形資産と無形資産に分けられ、無形資産には、顧客、契約、技術に関連するものなどがある。それらの資産がどの事業でどのように利用されているのか、それらの資産が帰属する事業価値はいくらか、遊休資産がある場合には第三者が利用する価値はあるのか、有効に利用するためには何が足りないか、何をどうすれば価値が向上するのか、という視点を持つことが大切だ。(CFO p.34)


人間が死ぬ時の脳の機能について Mechanism of the brain when you die.


When you die, the limbic system that is deep in the brain works, and placed both the switch to see dreams and the switch to encourage the awakening of the entire brain at the same time. By this, immediately before the death, a strange feeling ecstatic, Almighty God, and sense of well-being, is likely occur all at once.

It is believed that the limbic system is the mechanism of the brain and have played some important role from when the very old process of evolution for humans.

And as for its important role, for animals that must surely live and die, the most important role, that is, at the moment you die, then so as not to consciousness to the brain pain and fear when you die, you feel full of happiness and some kind of fun. I think it might be the role brain.
When it is known, I was a little relieved.






① いつ何時首都直下地震に襲われても不思議ではない。
② 現在から30年以内にマグニチュード7級の首都直下地震が起こる確率は70%と予測される。2050年までに起こらなかった場合、2050年から30年以内に起こる確率は90%を超える。
④政府•中央防災会議は、昨年12月19日に、首都直下地震、すなわち都心南部直下地震の被害想定を公表した。人的被害は、最大規模で 2.3万人、社会経済被害額は 95兆円と予測されている。しかしこの予測は最悪の被災シナリオに沿ったものではない。
⑦ 政府の首都直下地震対策検討ワーキンググループの最終報告では、当面、首都直下地震としては地震マグニチュード 7.3を考えれば十分で、1703年の元禄地震のようなプレート境界地震は、2000年〜3000年に1回程度しか起こらないので、対象としなくてよい、とされた。
⑨ 東京一極集中が進むことにより、首都直下地震による災害リスクが高まる。
(BUNGEISHUNJU 2014.9, p176-185より)






1. ひとは目標に注意を集中し、一度立てた計画がアンカーとなり、基準率を無視する。その結果、計画の錯誤に陥りやすい。
2. ひとは自分がしたいことやできることばかり見て、他人の意図や能力を無視しがちである。
3. 過去の説明にしても未来の予測にしても、能力のせいだと考えたがり、幸運が果たす役割を無視する傾向がある。その結果、自分の能力で結果を左右できると思い込む「コントロールの錯覚」に陥りやすい。
4. ひとは自分の知っていることを強調し、知らないことを無視する。その結果、自分の意見に自信過剰になりやすい。
(ファスト&スロー 下 p.58)



(日経サイエンス 2014年10月号 p.35-36 ドゥブロンさんとパラディーゾさん Extra Sensory Perception より)


今ポジティブな気分の側に居ますか? どうせならポジティブな側に居ましょう。



このように、稀な事象に関する限り、私たちの脳は正しい判断を下すようにできているとは言いがたい。(ファスト&スロー より)


死亡前死因分析 Premortem

死亡前死因分析 Premortemの方法:

1. 決定の方向性がはっきりしてくると多くのチームは集団思考に陥りがちになる。つまり、その方向性に対する疑念は表明しにくくなり、チームやリーダーに対する忠誠心の欠如とみなされるようになる。このような状況を克服するのに役立つ。決定に懐疑的な見方が排除されると、集団内に自信過剰が生まれ、その決定の支持者だけが声高に意見を言うようになる。死亡前死因分析の利点は、懐疑的な見方に正統性を与えることと言うこともできる。
2. 事情をよく知っている人の想像力を望ましい方向に解放するのに役立つ。決定ね支持者に、それまで見落としていた要因があり得ると、考えさせる効果がある。
(ファスト&スロー 下 p.68より)



オープン•スペース•テクノロジー(OST)は自発的な対話参加を促す手法です。(嘉村賢州さん home's vi代表理事)
1. 「この指とまれ」的に参加者の中でお題を募る。
2.  グループに分かれて対話を始める。
3.  グループは常に出入り自由。
4.  徹底的に参加者の自主性にゆだねるという哲学。
5.  あてずにひたすら待つ。
6.  どんな提案でもいいけれど、責任と情熱がともなうものに限る、とあえて高いハードルを課す。
7.  ファシリテーターは沈黙が長引いても我慢する。






1. ベストケースシナリオに非現実的なほど近い。
2. 類似のケースに関する統計データを参照すれば改善の余地がある。
(ファスト&スロー 〔下〕ダニエル•カーネマン 村井章子訳 p.40~44)



1. ケアマネージャーを系列事務所の職員にするように仕向けてくるサ高住は避ける。
2. 「介護事務所を自由に選べる」とうたっていても、併設サービスを利用するように誘導してくるサ高住はさける。(いわゆる『囲い込み』)
3. 在宅介護のサービスの利用限度額上限ぎりぎりまでサービスを使わせるように仕向けてくるサ高住は避ける。(この場合、ケアマネージャーが会社のいいなり)
4. 入居者が部屋から出られないように、部屋の外から鍵をかけられるようになっているサ高住は避ける。
5. デイサービス等が休みの時に入居者が部屋に放置されたり、食事の時に見守るスタッフがいないサ高住は避ける。
6. 入居者に外出禁止を強いるサ高住は避ける。
7. 入居者に携帯電話を持ち込ませない、携帯電話を使えるようにさせないサ高住は避ける。
8. 家族が入居者本人に宛てて送った荷物を、本人に渡す前に、中身を調べたり、中身を盗んだり、あるいは荷物そのものを渡さないようなサ高住は避ける。
9. 入居者が携帯電話などで警察に電話出来ないようにしているサ高住は避ける。
10. 使い道が不明朗な一時金を徴収するサ高住は避ける。(例えば礼金の徴収や、退去時に返金されない入会金などは、サ高住の登録違反にあたる。)
11. 訪問診療について特定の医師と提携(というか結託)しているサ高住は避ける。
(文藝春秋2014年8月号 『10兆円市場を狙う「サ高住」の実態 』を読んでリストアップしてみました。)
















(吾輩は猫である 夏目漱石)



日本のコンビニ (セブン&アイ 鈴木さん)



日本国内のコンビニは5万店になったから飽和状態だと言われている。 だから海外へ出ていくしかないのだという議論も見受けられる。 しかし私は、飽和の状態などあり得ないと言っています。

日本社会は今後も大きく変化し続けるでしょう。 変化によって、必要とされるサービスや業態、店舗数もまた変わってくるはずです。 単純な数の問題ではありません。

国内では、もう儲けられないから海外へ行くという考えも、好きではありません。 国内で稼ぐ知恵も出ないのに、何故海外で勝てるのか。 (中略) 

セブン・イレブンも世界展開していますが、それは、そこに新しい市場と戦略を見出したからです。 (中略)

増税も、国家財政上不可欠であり、長期的にみて、それが社会の安定を増すものであれば、消費者心理にも良い影響を与え、経済にも望ましい「変化」になりえます。 国民の立場に立って、その心理を見きわめ、求められている「納得感」を追及すること、それは、政治においても経済においても、変わらない原理原則なのではないでしょうか。

(BUNGEISHUNJU 2014.6, P153)


Two ways influencing someone's behavior

Two ways influencing someone's behavior are as follows; 1. Antecedent, 2. Consequence.

(1) あらゆる経営管理は、最後は行動管理に行き着きます。(オーブリー・C・ダニエルズさんより)

(2) 行動に影響を与える2つの方法は①先行要因(Antecedents)と②結果(Consequence)です。

(3) 先行要因は行動を開始させるもの。結果は行動を継続させる、もしくは、行動を阻止するものです。

(4) 結果のタイプとしては次の4つがあります。

(5) 上記の結果の4タイプのうちで、最も効果的なのは、正の強化(Positive reinforcement)であるといわれています。


1995 & 2002 precedents in Japan about internal control

BOD's Duty under the precedents in Japan (1995 & 2002) are as follows; 1995 Due care and fiduciary duty. 2002 Maintaining effectiveness of internal control.



Excellent management's thinking

Excellent management places him/herself in the customer's point of view.
経営者の重要な仕事のひとつは、常にお客様の立場に身を置いて、現場に注文を出すこと。自分が最初の客になるわけです。いつも社員に言うのですが、「お客様のために」というのは自分の目線です。「お客様の立場で」考える習慣こそ必要なんです。(セブン&アイ・ホールディングス代表取締役会長兼CEO 鈴木敏文さん, BUNGEISHUNJU 2014.6 p.150より)



マーケティングとは普通、市場調査とか宣伝・広告を指しますが、資生堂の社長の魚谷さんは、製品・流通・価格・販促・広告などこれらのすべての経営要素をいかに組み合わせるかがマーケティングの本質だとおっしゃっています。そしてすべてのパーツを組み合わせるのに一番大切な要素は「人」で、「人のこころを動かす」ことが何よりも大切だそうです。(文藝春秋 2014年6月号より)


New COSOの第4構成要素「モニタリング」の2つの原則の内容

New COSOの第5構成要素「モニタリング」の2つの原則は次のような内容です。

(16) 組織は、選択した開発、および内部統制の構成要素が存在し、機能しているかどうかを確認するために、継続的かつ/または独立した評価を、選択し、開発し、および実行します。

(17) 組織は、内部統制の不備を評価し、必要に応じて、上級管理職および取締役会を含めた是正措置をとる責任当事者に、伝達します。


New COSO 第5 コンポーネント(モニタリング)の着眼点(Principle・原則)



New COSOの第4構成要素「情報と伝達」の3つの原則の内容

New COSOの第4構成要素「情報と伝達」の3つの原則は次のような内容です。

(13) 組織は、内部統制の他の構成要素の機能をサポートするために、高品質かつ関連性の高い情報を取得、生成し、使用します。
(14) 組織は、内部的に、内部統制の他のコンポーネントの機能をサポートするために必要な内部統制の目的と責任を含む情報を、伝達します。
(15)  組織は、内部統制の他の構成要素の機能に悪影響を与える事項について外部関係者とのコミュニケーションを行います。


New COSO 第4 コンポーネント(情報と伝達)の着眼点(Principle・原則)



New COSOの第3構成要素「統制活動」の3つの原則の内容

New COSOの第3構成要素「統制活動」の3つの原則は次のような内容です。

(10) 組織は、目的の達成にむけたリスクを許容水準まで低減することに貢献するように、統制活動を選択し開発する。
(11) 組織は、目的の達成をサポートするためのテクノロジーに対する全般的統制活動を選択し開発する。
(12)  組織は、何が期待されているかを確立する方針と、その方針を実際に行動に移すための手順を通して、統制活動を配備する。


New COSO 第3 コンポーネント(統制活動)の着眼点(Principle・原則)



New COSOの第2構成要素「リスクの評価」の4つの原則の内容

New COSOの第2構成要素「リスクの評価」の4つの原則は次のような内容です。

(6) 組織は、以下の5つの目的に関連するリスクの識別と評価を可能にするために十分な明確さをともないつつ、目的を特定する。
3.外部報告目的の非財務報告に関する目的 、

 (7) 組織は、全社的な目的を達成するためのリスクを識別し、そのリスクがどのように管理されるべきかを決定するための一つの基礎として、リスクを分析する。

 (8) 組織は、目的を達成するためのすリスクを評価する上で不正の可能性を検討する。



New COSO 第2 コンポーネント(リスクの評価)の着眼点(Principle・原則)


New COSOの第1構成要素「統制環境」の5つの原則の内容

New COSOの第1構成要素「統制環境」の5つの原則は次のような内容です。
(1) 組織が誠実性と倫理的価値へのコミットメントを示しているか。 (2) 取締役会が、経営陣からの独立性を有し、内部統制の構築と運用の監視しているか。 (3) 経営陣は、取締役会の監視の下で、目標達成のための組織構造、レポーティングライン、および適切な権限と責任の在り方を確立しているか。 (4) 組織は目標達成のために必要な有能な人材の誘致や、能力開発、および人材の維持に対してコミットメントを示しているか。 (5) 組織は、その構成員個人に対して、内部統制に関する責任を有していることを明確に理解させているか。


New-COSO 第1コンポーネント(統制環境)の着眼点(Principle・原則)





COSO's five components of Internal Control

内部統制が経営管理と密接な関係にあることは、すでに述べましたが、(経営管理に必須の2つの構成要素とは ご参照)、金融機関の経営管理の土台の中にもしっかりと含まれています。それは、19929月にCOSO委員会が「内部統制(インターナル・コントロール)の総合的フレームワーク」(COSOレポート)として公表し、20135月にUpdateされたNew COSOです。





OECD Corporate Governance, COSO-ERM, New COSO


Importance of Internal Control

Internal control is one of the components of Corporate Management. At the same time, the content of the listing examination at the time of the IPO and the practice of developing, operating, and evaluating internal control will be approximately the same.



Corporate Management - International Frameworks

Related to Corporate Management, international common principles and frameworks are as above.


Corporate Management - the area to be considered.

Corporate Management is a function of all companies and/or organizations. Financial institutions are urged to consider wider areas than ordinary companies in Corporate Management. Therefore, it is possible for us to adopt some of the wide range of consideration to organizations other than financial institutions as well. That is the reason I start R&D in the area of Corporate Management and one of its components, Internal Control System, of Financial Institutions such as Bank.


経営管理で考慮すべき視点の広さのイメージ The area to be considered in Corporate Management (Image)

経営管理はすべての会社や組織にある機能であると言えます。 中でも金融機関は、一般企業に比べて、経営管理において考慮を要請される視点が広くあります。つまり、金融機関の経営管理を研究することによって、幅広い考察を行うことができ、しかも一般企業への応用もできると考えられます。 したがいまして、これから、金融機関(銀行)の経営管理とその構成要素である内部統制システムについて、研究を進めたいと思います。


ちょっと一休みです。私の中身は単純です。上の図のようになってます。ちなみにまだ、Smart Glass的なメガネは使ったことはありませんが、試してみたいと思います。


経営管理に必須の2つの構成要素とは Two essential components of Corporate Management


Two essential components of Corporate Management are as follows;
1. Development of appropriate business policies
2. Framework of appropriate internal controls

The term "
corporate management" refers to the framework of the entire organization to achieve the goals for the company or organization, set by the business policies, etc.. To work Corporate Management, it is necessary to get accurate understandings of management issues and business environment surrounding the organization and to build a system that can respond appropriately to them. At this time, the two elements mentioned above should be considered carefully.




それでは、なぜ「内部統制」を正しく理解する必要があるのでしょうか? それは、




Ukraine ultimatum to east activists

Ukraine's interior minister has warned pro-Russian activists who have taken over state buildings in eastern cities to enter talks to find a political solution or face "force". Arsen Avakov said the situation would "be resolved in 48 hours" either way. Earlier, some of those who had been inside security service offices in Luhansk since Sunday left the building.
The EU, Russia, US and Ukraine are to meet next week in the first four-way meeting since the crisis erupted.The talks are aimed at breaking the impasse since Russia annexed the southern Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea in February. Russian troops are now massed along the borders of the two countries. (BBC NEWS, 2014/4/9)










Crimea 'votes for Russia union'

Some 95.5% of voters in Crimea have supported joining Russia, officials say, after half the votes have been counted in a disputed referendum. Crimea's leader says he will apply to join Russia on Monday. Russia's Vladimir Putin has said he will respect the Crimean people's wishes.
Many Crimeans loyal to Kiev boycotted the referendum, and the EU and US condemned it as illegal.
Pro-Russian forces took control of Crimea in February. They moved in after Ukraine's pro-Moscow president Viktor Yanukovych was ousted after street protests. Pro-Moscow crowds celebrated after voting in the Crimean capital Simferopol Crimea's pro-Moscow leader Sergei Aksyonov celebrated on stage in Simferopol
Mr Putin and US President Barack Obama spoke over the phone earlier, with the Kremlin and the White House later releasing contrasting accounts of the conversation. The Kremlin said both men agreed to seek a way to stabilise Ukraine, and that Mr Putin had stressed that the Kiev government had failed to curb "rampant violence by ultra-nationalists". The White House said Mr Obama had insisted that the referendum was illegal and would never be accepted, and called for Moscow to support an international monitoring mission in eastern Ukraine. The EU said in a statement that the vote was "illegal and illegitimate and its outcome will not be recognised". EU foreign ministers are due to meet on Monday and are expected to consider imposing sanctions on Russian officials. (BBC NEWS 2014/3/17)


Zuckerberg 'frustrated' by US spying

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has said he has called President Barack Obama to "express frustration" over US digital surveillance. The 29-year-old said in a blog post the US government "should be the champion for the internet, not a threat".
His comments come a day after a report the US National Security Agency (NSA) imitated a Facebook server to infect surveillance targets' computers. The NSA said the report was "inaccurate".
Mr Zuckerberg said in September that the US "blew it" on internet spying. The tech founder wrote on Thursday "it seems like it will take a very long time for true full reform". (BBC NEWS 2014/3/14)



現在、保険効果をPRできる「機能性表示」が認められているのは、トクホとサプリメントなど栄養機能食品のみである。 それを一般食品でも国の審査なしで表示できるようにする方向で、議論が進んでいる。







候補物質が新薬として世に出る確率は、3万分の一とも言われている。(週刊東洋経済 2014/3/15より要約)

Kerry rejects Putin Ukraine meeting

The US secretary of state has rejected a talks offer with Russian President Vladimir Putin until Moscow engages with US proposals on Ukraine's crisis.
John Kerry told his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov that Moscow's military intervention in Crimea had made any negotiations extremely difficult.
US officials say there will be little to talk about if the referendum on Crimea's future goes ahead. The vote is to be held on Sunday - Ukraine and the West say it is illegal. (BBC NEWS 2014/3/11)


Nato jets to monitor Ukraine border

Nato is to deploy reconnaissance planes in Poland and Romania to monitor the Ukrainian crisis. It gave the go-ahead for the flights on Monday, a Nato spokesman said.
"All Awacs [Airborne Warning and Control System] reconnaissance flights will take place solely over alliance territory," the official said. It comes as Russia cements its control of Ukraine's Crimea ahead of Sunday's referendum to join Russia. Ukraine and the West say this is illegal.
In the latest move on Monday, armed men - said to be Russian troops and local militias - seized a military hospital in Crimea. The attackers marched into the hospital in the regional capital Simferopol, threatening staff and some 30 patients.
Pro-Russian troops are also blockading Ukrainian troops across Crimea, which is an autonomous region. Moscow has officially denied that its troops are taking part in the blockades, describing the armed men with no insignia as Crimea's "self-defence" forces.
The government in Kiev - as well as the US and EU - accuse Russia of invading Ukraine, in violation of international law. (BBC NEWS 2014/3/11)


Japan in record deficit, growth slows

Japan's current account deficit widened to a record 1.5tn yen ($15bn; £8.7bn) in January, the largest since records began in 1985. In further bad news, the country's economic growth figures were also revised downwards. Japan's economy grew by 0.7% in 2013, down from an initial estimate of 1%.
Investors reacted with disappointment to the news, with the benchmark Nikkei 225 index falling by 95 points, or more than 0.6%. From October to December 2013 Japan's economy grew by just 0.2%, after earlier estimates showed an increase of 0.3%.
The sluggish growth and growing deficit come just before a planned sales tax increase, scheduled to take effect in April. Many economists had expected growth to pick up towards the end of 2013, as consumers spent ahead of the tax rise. But the latest revisions show consumer spending increased by 0.4% in the fourth quarter of 2013, revised downwards from 0.5%.
Japan's trade gap also rose to a new record last month, increasing by 71% to 2.79tn yen in January, official figures showed. That was largely down to weak export figures, which were impacted by global turmoil in emerging markets and a weakening yen.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says he plans to push ahead with the sales tax hike as a way to tackle Japan's debt. However, to counteract the increase, which is scheduled to go from 5% to 8% - Mr Abe unveiled a stimulus package of 5.5tn yen in December. (BBC NEWS 2014/3/10)


Facebook's WhatsApp purchase opposed

Facebook's purchase of mobile messaging service WhatsApp has been opposed by privacy groups. Mark Zuckerberg's firm is planning to buy the company for around £11bn. Opponents want US regulators to stop the deal until Facebook provides more information on what it plans to do with the personal data of WhatsApp's users.
But Facebook said it will operate as a separate company and honour existing privacy arrangements, which include not collecting user data for advertising. "WhatsApp built a user-base based on its commitment not to collect user data for advertising revenue," read a complaint filed with the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC). It was drawn up by two non-profit groups, the Electronic Privacy Information Center and the Center for Digital Democracy. They added: "Users provided detailed personal information to the company including private text to close friends. Facebook routinely makes use of user information for advertising purposes and has made clear that it intends to incorporate the data of WhatsApp users into the user profiling business model.
"The proposed acquisition will therefore violate WhatsApp users' understanding of their exposure to online advertising and constitutes an unfair and deceptive trade practice, subject to investigation by the Federal Trade Commission." And the groups, which work on research and consumer protection online, asked the regulators to investigate the deal "specifically with regard to the ability of Facebook to access WhatsApp's store of user mobile phone numbers and metadata". (BBC NEWS 2014/3/7)


Landmark default in China solar firm

Solar panel maker Shanghai Chaori Solar Energy Science & Technology has defaulted on interest payments owed on its bond, say media reports quoting the firm. It is the first Chinese firm ever to default on its onshore corporate bonds.
On Tuesday, the firm warned it would be unable to make a 89.8 million yuan ($14.6m; £8.7m) interest payment on a one billion yuan bond issued in 2012. The default is seen as a test case for the Chinese government. Investors have assumed in the past that the Chinese government would bail out any Chinese corporation in danger of defaulting. The move to allow Chaori to default signals a new stance.
"There's never been a corporate bond default, [so] investors have been conditioned that there is no such thing as risk in China," Leland Miller, president of research firm China Beige Book, told the BBC. "The Chinese leadership is trying to break down this misunderstanding that everything is backstopped." Chaori Solar said it planned to pay 4 million yuan ($654,000) of the interest payment due on the billion yuan bond, which was taken out two years ago.
Up until now, the Chinese government and state-owned banks have helped bail out or provide last-minute loans to Chinese firms in trouble. That has led many investors to park their funds in the corporate bonds of many Chinese firms, on the belief that the government would help ensure that these firms could continue to repay their debts. However, a significant portion of this debt is set to mature in 2014 - with more than $1.5 trillion of corporate bonds outstanding at the end of January. "There's not enough money in the world to bail everything out," said Mr Miller.
Chaori Solar took out a $1bn bond two years ago to help finance operations
That is why the Chinese government may be making a strategic decision to let some firms fail - particularly those, like Chaori, that may not have a huge knock-on effect in the market. China's solar industry has been suffering from an overcapacity problem for some time, as cheap financing and local government support led to a glut of firms entering the industry. That has led to a sharp fall in price, and the Chinese government has since hinted that it supports consolidation in the industry.
Other Chinese solar panel firms, like LDK Solar, have already defaulted on bonds issued outside China.
"This is something they need to do - that the government has to do - in order to address the over capacity in many industries," Fitch Ratings' Kalai Pillay told the BBC. (BBC NEWS 2014/3/7)

US economy adds 175,000 new jobs

The US economy added 175,000 new jobs in February, but the unemployment rate rose slightly to 6.7%.
The jobs figures, from the US Labor Department, were better than many had been expecting and marked a rebound from two weak months. It had been thought the figures would be affected by recent harsh weather, which had hit much of the country.
But the unemployment rate, based on different statistics, went up slightly from January's 6.6% to 6.7%.
February's jobs figure, known as non-farm payrolls and based on a survey of employers, compares with the 129,000 new jobs created in January. Analysts had been expecting a rise of about 150,000 last month. (BBC NEWS 2014/03/07)


Crimea vote will not be recognised

Ukraine's interim prime minister has warned the Crimean parliament "no-one in the civilised world" will recognise its referendum on joining Russia. Arseniy Yatsenyuk and others in the Kiev government have called the vote "unconstitutional" and "illegitimate".
But the referendum has the support of the Russian parliament. The speaker of the upper house said if the Crimean people vote on 16 March to join Russia then they would "unquestionably back this choice". The decision by Crimean MPs to seek to join the Russian Federation comes amid international tensions over the presence of pro-Russian troops in the southern Ukrainian peninsula.
The Kremlin said, after a telephone conversation between President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Barack Obama, that differences remained in their approach and assessment of the crisis.
Meanwhile, Ukraine's Paralympic team has confirmed it will take part in the Sochi Winter Paralympics, which begins later.
The head of the team, Valeriy Sushkevich, said they would participate "so they remember us, remember Ukraine - a sovereign state, which sent its athletes here". But he said: "If something major happens, Ukraine will leave the Games immediately". (BBC NEWS 2014/3/7)


Interest rates policy of ECB today

The European Central Bank will update its interest rates policy in a few hours. Sarah Hewin, from Standard Chartered, told World Business Report the bank "will probably keep interest rates on hold" at the current 0.25%, as the risk of deflation has decreased. Some observers are worried that the rate will be cut to 0%. (BBC NEWS 2014/3/6)


イタル・タス通信は3月5日、ロシア黒海艦隊消息筋の話として、今週末に米海軍艦船が黒海の海域に入る予定だと報じた。事実ならクリミアのセバストポールに司令部を置く黒海艦隊への牽制が目的とみられる。(産経 2014/3/6)

Eurozone business growth accelerates

Business growth in the eurozone accelerated last month to its fastest pace since June 2011, a survey says. The final Markit Eurozone Composite Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) for February was 53.3. This was higher than an earlier, preliminary estimate of 52.7, and above the 50 level that indicates expansion.
Markit said the figures indicated the eurozone is set to grow by 0.4-0.5% in the first quarter of 2014, which would be the best growth for three years. Official figures, also released on Wednesday, confirmed that the eurozone grew by 0.3% in the final three months of 2013. Growth was helped by rising exports and improving investment.
The PMI survey confirmed the contrasting fortunes of Germany and France. German companies saw strong growth, with the country's composite PMI reading hitting a 33-month high of 56.4. However, activity among French firms continued to decline, with the PMI figure dropping to 47.9.
The European Central Bank (ECB) holds its latest meeting on Thursday, and there has been speculation that the bank may take action to avert the threat of deflation in the eurozone. Eurozone inflation was 0.8% in February, well below the ECB's target of 2%. (BBC NEWS 2014/3/5)


China sets growth target of 7.5%

China has set its economic growth target for the year at 7.5%, as it looks to continue its efforts to stabilise the economy. The country also set its inflation goal at 3.5%, aimed at keeping prices in check.
After years of blistering growth rates, China has seen its rate of expansion slide after a slowdown domestically and in key markets. In 2013, the country grew at a pace of 7.7%, about the same as in 2012.
Recent manufacturing data has also indicated a slowdown in activity in the world's second largest economy. (BBC NEWS, 2014/3/5)

Even the planned test inevitably adds another element of Cold War-style tension to the current crisis

The Russian military says it has test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile, as tension continues over Ukraine's Crimea region. A Topol RS-12M missile was launched from Russia's Kapustin Yar test range near the Caspian Sea to the Sary Shagan range in Kazakhstan, it said. It comes after the US accused Russia of an "act of aggression" in Crimea. The US said it was notified of the launch before it took place, as required by arms treaties.
Moscow is in de facto control of the Crimean peninsula after troops thought to be Russian or pro-Russian took control of strategic points in recent days.
US Secretary of State John Kerry, visiting the Ukrainian capital Kiev, praised the "restraint" of the new government there, which took power after the overthrow of Russian ally President Viktor Yanukovych last month.
Defending his threat to use the Russian military in Ukraine if he felt it necessary, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the country was in "chaos" after being seized by "nationalists" and "anti-Semites", and that Russia had a right to protect its citizens there.
The Topol was fired at 22:10 (18:10 GMT), the defence ministry in Moscow said, adding: "The aim of the launch was to test a promising intercontinental ballistic missile payload." The nuclear-capable missile reached its target successfully, it said.
Tests of the missile, one of Russia's newest, are not unusual but the timing of the launch if confirmed, is likely to alarm observers of the crisis with Ukraine. (BBC NEWS, 2014/3/3)


Currency exchange fluctuations backed to risk-on just only in rumors of the instruction to return to base troops by Russian President

Dollar straight, cross-yen, dollar-yen soared by rumor of the instruction to return to the base troops by Russian President, transmitted at 15:00. EUR/USD rate extremely soared to around $ 1.3765, GBP/USD seems to have become a near $ 1.6667 at that time.

On the other hand, even though March 2 and 3 Russian troops invasion to Crimea, the exchange rate was not moving to the risk off  (weakening EUR and GDP).

If you are looking objectively such a situation, you can read the signal that the western countries and markets (such as the United States, Germany, France, Japan) had accepted implicitly the invasion of Russian troops this time. (TS)






Russia Demands Immediate Surrender Of Ukraine Warships

Russian forces in Crimea demanded Monday evening that the crews of two Ukrainian warships surrender immediately or face an assault on their ships and crew, according to a Ukrainian official.
Four Russian navy ships were in position around the Ukrainian ships in Sevastopol's harbor as they awaited a response to the surrender ultimatum, the Associated Press reports. Ukrainian defense sources also told the BBC Russia had set a 03:00 GMT (22:00 EST) deadline for Ukrainians soldiers in Crimea to surrender or be attacked “across Crimea,” but a Ukrainian spokesman could not confirm that order. (TIME, 2014/3/3)


G7 condemns Russia over Ukraine

Soldiers, believed to be Russian, have surrounded Ukrainian military bases in Crimea
Russia's G8 partners have condemned Moscow's military build-up in Ukraine amid fresh diplomatic efforts to avert a dangerous escalation of the crisis.
The world's seven major industrialised powers also suspended preparations for the G8 summit in Sochi in June. Meanwhile, European Union foreign ministers are due to meet in emergency session in Brussels.
The moves come as Russian military forces continue to strengthen their grip on the Crimean peninsula. Ukraine's interim government has accused Russia of having declared war, and has ordered the mobilisation of its armed forces. But Russian President Vladimir Putin has so far defied calls from the West to pull back his troops. He insists Russia has a right to protect its interests and those of Russian-speakers in Crimea and elsewhere in Ukraine.
The UN said on Sunday that Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson was travelling to Ukraine to be "personally apprised of the facts on the ground". A statement said he would brief UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon "on the next steps the United Nations could take to support the de-escalation of the situation". (BBC NEWS, 2014/3/3)

Berkshire Hathaway in record profit

The investment firm run by the US billionaire Warren Buffett has reported a record profit for 2013. Berkshire Hathaway made $19.5bn (£11.6bn) last year, up from $14.8bn (£8.8bn) in 2012. "On the operating front, just about everything turned out well for us last year - in some cases very well," Mr Buffett wrote to shareholders. However it underperformed the S&P 500 share index for the fifth year in a row. The growth in the company's book value - that is the company's assets minus its liabilities and Mr Buffett's preferred measure of Berkshire's performance - was 18.2% in 2013, while the S&P 500 rose 32.4%. But Mr Buffett said that was to be expected when the S&P performed well. "We expect to fall short... in years when the market is strong - as we did in 2013. "We have underperformed in 10 of our 49 years, with all but one of our shortfalls occurring when the S&P gain exceeded 15%." He added that the fund had outperformed the stock market between 2007 and 2013 and that through a full six year cycle he expected to do that again. "If we fail to do so, we will not have earned our pay," he wrote. Berkshire Hathaway increased its holding in Coca-Cola Mr Buffett, ranked fourth on the Forbes rich list, pointed to a strong performance in the firm's insurance, rail and energy businesses for the increase in profit. (BBC, 2014/3/2)


Russian's president set to send military troops into Ukraine

The Russian parliament's upper house unanimously approved Saturday a request by President Vladimir Putin to send military troops into Ukraine, shortly after the Crimean peninsula's pro-Kremlin prime minister appealed to the Kremlin for military muscle.
Putin said ethnic Russians in Crimea and the personnel of a Russian military base needed to be protected for the “normalization of the political situation” in Ukraine. But the Russian president's official request for troops seemed to be merely a formality as Moscow appeared to solidify its iron grip on Crimea.
Armed troops believed to be Russian had already seized control of much of the strategic peninsula Friday and Saturday, taking over key airports and communications centers across the region. By Saturday they had seized an airfield used for military transports, and Ukraine moved to close its airspace Saturday after reports suggested at least eight Russian troop transport planes had touched ground in the Crimea. (TIME, 2014.3.2)
土曜日にロシア議会は、プーチン大統領によるウクライナへの軍隊派遣の計画を、全会一致で承認しました。ただ、そもそも金曜日と土曜日のうちに、戦略的に重要なウクライナ半島は、ロシア軍によって制圧されていましたので、ロシア議会はこれを追認したことになります。プーチン大統領はロシア軍を、ウクライナの政治的正常化までの間、クリミアに置くと発言していますが、その意図はむしろ、「 Iron Grip on Crimea 」を確固なものにすることであると、TIMEは伝えています。


US GDP growth rate revised down

The US economy grew at a much slower rate from October to December than originally predicted, the US Commerce Department said. US gross domestic product (GDP) grew at an annualised rate of 2.4% in the fourth quarter of 2013, down from an initial estimate of 3.2%. The revision is down to weaker than expected consumer spending.Severe winter weather in the US is expected to slow growth further in the current quarter.
The Commerce Department initially predicted consumer spending had expanded by 3.3%, but spending is now estimated to have grown at a 2.6% annual rate. Consumer spending accounts for roughly 70% of US economic activity. Bad winter weather has cut into vehicle sales, among other purchases.
Despite the revised GDP estimate, US growth should be regarded as strong, the financial information firm Markit said. "The details of the report suggest that investment is growing at an increased rate and underlying demand continued to expand at a reassuringly robust rate, given the headwinds during the closing months of 2013," said Markit chief economist Chris Williamson.
For all of 2013, the economy grew at 1.9%. (BBC NEWS 2014.2.28)

Warns Russia over Ukrain

US President Barack Obama has warned Russia there will be "costs" for any military intervention in Ukraine. He said he was deeply concerned by reports of Russian military movements inside the country. Ukraine's acting president has accused Russia of deploying troops to Crimea and trying to provoke Kiev into "armed conflict". Russia's UN ambassador said any troop movements in Crimea were within an existing arrangement with Ukraine. Speaking from the White House, President Obama commended Ukraine's interim government for its "restraint".  "Any violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity would be deeply destabilising, which is not in the interests of Ukraine, Russia or Europe," he said.  "It would represent a profound interference in matters that must be determined by the Ukrainian people. It would be a clear violation of Russia's commitment to respect the independence and sovereignty and borders of Ukraine - and of international laws." He added: "Just days after the world came to Russia for the Olympic games, it would invite the condemnation of nations around the world. And, indeed, the United States will stand with the international community in affirming that there will be costs for any military intervention in Ukraine." (BBC NEWS 2014.3.1)


Commercial Space Travel

Commercial space travel is almost here. For real this time. Sometime in 2014, Virgin Galactic will be able to fly 100 kilometers into the sky and put you in near-zero gravity for a few minutes. The price tag: $250,000. Already Angelina Jolie, Ashton Kutcher, Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, and Richard Branson, the company's eccentric billionaire founder, have lined up with 600 other people to get on flights. Booking a flight on rival Xcor Aerospace will cost roughly $100,000, the company says. Blue Origin, the space company launched by Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos, says it's close behind but hasn't put out a price list just yet.  (Bloomberg Businessweek December 2 - December 8, 2013 Page 39)
