Patent claims
When a tech company gets hit with a patent infringement lawsuit, the odds are high it will settle. So-called patent trolls - businesses or individuals who buy older patents, then sue infringing companies in search of big payouts - win more than half of cases that go to trial. a White House report says more than 100,000 companies were threatened with infringement suits last year by businesses whose sole mission is to extract royalty revenue, and the Government Accountability Office says those outfits files 19 percent of all patent lawsuits from 2007 to 2011. In cases that went to trial in 2012, licensors were awarded a median $11.2 million per case, according to a PricewaterhouseCoopers study. (Bloomberg Businessweek October 28 - November 3, 2013 P.41)
正式名称は「P-THP」。Pはポリマー(高分子物質)で、THPはピラルビシンという抗がん剤である。ピラルビシンは、1988年に発売された古い抗がん剤。つまりP-THPとは、ポリマーにピラルビシンを結合させたものた。(BUNGEISHUNJU 2015.10 p324) P-TH...
コグート=シン指数は、ホフステッド指数の4つの次元を使って、国と国の間の国民性がどのくらい離れているか、その距離を計算し、指数化したものです。現コロンビア大学のブルース・コグート (Kogut, Bruce) さんとペンシルヴァニア大学のハビール・シン (Harbir, Sing...